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                    JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 9TH AUGUST, 2012

SUBJECT: An unfinished post...
   DATE: Thu Aug  9 20:23:35 BST 2012

The last week has been slow - in fact I'd even go as far as saying its been a
long hard slog. I've been busy with work - but nothing terribly exciting or
thrilling, just day to day stuff. I've tried working on WolfMUD - but at the
moment all I'm working on is writing test cases. That's completely infuriating
as well. I need to get it done before an initial release but I have a lot of
ideas I want to code up as well :(

The conversion of my jtconv utility from Perl to Go is practically finished.
It works fine and does what it is supposed to do. However I keep poking at the
code because I'm not completely happy with something about it.  Not exactly
sure what is wrong and I can't put my finger on anything specific, but it does
not feel right.

Maybe I need a plan! Let me see:

  --[ PLAN ]-------------------------------------

    1. Finish writing test cases for WolfMUD
    2. Decide on how/where to host code
    3. Push out initial prototype code
    4. Finish checking and updating new website
    5. Push new website live


... [1]


  [1] I was going to talk about the plan but got pulled away onto other stuff
      and didn't get any further *sigh*

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