Released: Monday 10th June, 2013

                         + + + IMPORTANT NOTICE + + +

By default the prototype runs locally on port 4001. This is set in
the configuration file which can be edited to use a local network instead.
However deployment in 'the wild' is currently ill advised as accounts and
logins are still not implemented.

All binaries are now built with Go 1.1.

The binaries will require one of the data downloads: wolfmud-data.tgz *OR* If you are using 'go get', Git or the source downloads the
data resources are already included.

If you look at the data archive you will currently find two resource files:

  config.wrj - Current settings that can be tweaked
  zinara.wrj - Zinara zone locations recreated

Both files are simple text files and can be edited with a simple text editor.

Currently implemented commands:

              DROP <item> - drop an item
    EXAMINE / EXAM <item> - examine an item at your location or in your
               EXITS / EX - list the available exits
               GET <item> - get an item
          INVENTORY / INV - list items you are carrying in your inventory
                 LOOK / L - Describe your current location
  N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW,U,D - move in given direction (can also use long names)
                     QUIT - log out of the server
        SAY / ' <message> - talk to players at your location
                   SNEEZE - tests broadcasting messages
             WEIGH <item> - find out how much an item weighs
                      WHO - see who is currently logged into the server

 -- Up to Main Index

 -- Up to The Attic

  ~ Getting Started
    Help on getting, setting up, installing, compiling and running WolfMUD

  ■ wolfmud-data.tgz
    WolfMUD Data gzipped tar archive (For BINARY downloads)
    MD5 : bb7794359a33d15de5a60288e7041c86
    SHA1: 4c372b19835270667a8559ec70643ee2be470f78
    Size: ~4.1k

    WolfMUD Data zipped archive (For BINARY downloads)
    MD5 : 70f2e4c233fb349ad92b51c4f7e90118
    SHA1: 381182b83d28b985df1913485f1304f21221b057
    Size: ~4.5k

  ■ wolfmud-linux-amd64-server.tgz
    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Linux/64bit
    MD5 : 03c8291ca9749266596d26325d7ba0d1
    SHA1: 7e9876de167233de6411639b517a4096093e29ce
    Size: ~880k

  ■ wolfmud-linux-arm5-server.tgz
    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Linux/ARM v5 (Softfloat)
    This build is a generic ARM build.
    MD5 : 46972bd16c62d8c0caa5d10b0174b761
    SHA1: 9d9d76bbd0836bebeee9272c68c63430867b6d51
    Size: ~912k

  ■ wolfmud-linux-arm6-server.tgz
    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Linux/ARM v6 (Hardfloat)
    This build is suitable for Raspberry Pi.
    MD5 : 1913f0469c9691666fa784550df67ef3
    SHA1: aabf1f1e726d54f3819f169566185c1337f47a27
    Size: ~900k

  ■ wolfmud-linux-i386-server.tgz
    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Linux/32bit
    MD5 : bdc2d8a6e058a9c05d154075d3506600
    SHA1: 45559ec62404699351439ee8949c137a5b1d83b0
    Size: ~860k

  ■ wolfmud-source.tgz
    WolfMUD source code gzipped tar archive
    MD5 : 0d5010d8b0f82f24506df29737cb4312
    SHA1: 60eabbcab4d8df688d2f26d97658b89502491bb7
    Size: ~44k

    WolfMUD source code zipped archive
    MD5 : 6e4ea10c5bbafb7170f42fe702c30ef8
    SHA1: d1e57ff179c6bcd08f9d95ae87f438761bbf2abb
    Size: ~65k

    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Windows/64bit
    MD5 : da79a6bc512e3d724be8255e6f81b629
    SHA1: 7415e96e2d2e1ca924e7b732aad01b22720a9b54
    Size: ~796k

    WolfMUD server BINARY only, built for Windows/32bit
    MD5 : faff4ca33bbd052b49e85a97539338a8
    SHA1: e69a4b29d25421ef0ac4216a6f4d0ca6946d3467
    Size: ~774k